Project Log - April, 2001 

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 February 3, 2021

 Project Log

  Horizontal Stabilizer
  Vertical Stabilizer
  Rudder II

 Wing Kit
  Fuel Tanks

 Fuselage Kit
  Aft Section
  Foreward Section
  Top Fuselage


 Firewall Forward
  Fuel System

  Finishing Up!

 Project Notes
 Project Summary
 Other Stuff

April, 2001

April 1, 2001 - 6 hours
Mounted the rear spar in the jig and started building up the HS skeleton.

April 2, 2001 - 1.5 hours
Finished drilling all the parts of the HS skeleton, un-clecoed the skeleton and started deburring all the parts in preparation for priming.

HS skeleton assembled and drilled. Ready for primer.

April 3, 2001 - 1.5 hours
Finished deburring, cleaning and treating all the HS skeleton parts.

April 5, 2001 - 1 hours
Primed all the HS skeleton parts

April 7, 2001 - 2 hours
Started assembling the HS skeleton

April 8, 2001 - 3 hours
Finished the HS skeleton and drilled and clecoed the skins to the skeleton.

Completed HS Skeleton. Ready for the skins.

HS skins drilled and clecoed on the skeleton.

This tip rib is not to be riveted until the inside rivets are installed. This is where I will have to stick my arm to get behind those rivets on the tip of the center rib.

April 9, 2001 - 2 hours
Deburring, dimpling HS skeleton and skins.

April 10, 2001 - 1 hours
Built a make-shift table for the C-frame tool, finished dimpling the skins.

April 11, 2001 - 0.5 hours
Sanded cleaned and treated the HS skins.

April 12, 2001 - 0.5 hours
Primed the HS skins.

April 14, 2001 - 2 hours
Started riveting the skins to the skeleton.

April 14, 2001 - 2 hours
Drilled out the pilot holes on the rear spar of the Vertical Stabilizer.

Vertical Stabilizer rear spar clecoed together for drilling out all of the pilot holes.

April 15, 2001 - 3 hours
Finished riveting the skins on the HS skeleton. The horizontal stabilizer is finished

The Horizontal Stabilizer is finished!!!!

April 15, 2001 - 2 hours
Deburred the ribs and front spar of the VS.

April 22, 2001 - 0.5 hours
Stored away the Horizontal Stabilizer an sanded all of the Vertical Stab parts that need to be primed.

April 26, 2001 - 0.75 hours
Cleaned and treated all of the Vertical Stabilizer parts.

April 27, 2001 - 1 hours
Primed all the Vertical Stabilizer parts

April 28, 2001 - 4 hours
Riveted the VS Rear Spar together and prepared the jig so I could mount the spar.

Finished VS Rear Spar

Detail showing the flush rivets on the forward lower part of the VS rear spar. This is to allow mounting to the fuselage later.

April 29, 2001 - 7 hours
Riveted the ribs onto the rear spar. Mounted the rear spar in the jig. Riveted on the forward spar and the root tip rib. Drilled and clecoed the VS skin.

VS rear spar with the ribs riveted on.

VS rear spar goes onto the jig.

Finished VS skeleton ready to drill the skins.

VS skin drilled and clecoed into place.

My helpers - Curby and Cotton.

<<March, 2001  Top  May, 2001>>

This web site and the infomation contained within it are for entertainment purposes only. The opinions expressed on construction techniques are my opinions only and should not be confused with proper construction techniques. There is undoubtedly more than one way to build an airplane and some methods that I use may or may not work in any given circumstance. If there is any question please call the kit manufacturer. I love to help but I am not responsible for the misuse of any information contained on this web site.

 February 3, 2021