Project Log - February, 2004 

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February, 2004

February 9, 2004 - 2 hours
Finished the hose that connects the AFP purge valve to the firewall bulkhead. I also managed to get the oil cooler installed.

This is the end of the AFP purge hose that I made. It took me a while to figure out that hose clamp but a pair of vice grips and a small crescent wrench did the trick.

Left side view of the oil cooler.

Here you can see how the hoses are routed to the oil cooler.

February 12, 2004 - 3 hours
Still working on the rubber seal material for the baffles.

February 14, 2004 - 1.5 hours
Riveted the seal material to the bottom cowling half. I think the baffles are finished but I am going to wait a little before I install them permanently just in case I need to take them off for some reason.

This is how I intend to secure the hinge pin along the side of the bottom cowling.

The rubber on the bottom cowling. I may cut some of the excess off, but I want to see how if fits.

This shows the detail of how I backed up the rivets holding the seal material to the bottom cowling.

February 14, 2004 - 4.5 hours
Started finishing up the cowling work. I countersunk all the rivet holes, deburred all the rivet holes and started riveting the hinges on with some epoxy/microballoons slury to help smooth out the rough spots.

February 15, 2004 - 0.6 hours
I mixed up another batch of microballoons and epoxy and riveted on a couple more hinges to the bottom cowling. One more session and I should have the hinges on the cowling halves.

February 17, 2004 - 1 hours
Finished riveting the hinges to the bottom cowling half and smeared another coat of Superfil on the top cowling half to try and get the front to fit together better.

February 19, 2004 - 1.75 hours
I got a little carried away with the microballoons on some of the hinges and the cowlings didn't want to fit together very well. So I scrapped a little bit between the hinge eyelets to get them to fit better. It is much better but I should not have put so much on. I did a little sanding and mixed up some more Superfil and put it on the inlet ducts to get them nice and smooth.

February 21, 2004 - 1.5 hours
Fiddled with the cowling some more. I really made a mess of those hinges with the micro / epoxy mix.

February 22, 2004 - 2.5 hours
Still messing with the cowling. I managed to get it to the point where it fits together okay. The hinge pins are still a little hard to install but they'll loosen up. Now I am just trying to get the inlets on the front to look just right, and hide all the rivets. So there is some fiberglass and filler in my future.

February 22, 2004 - 2.6 hours
I never finished up the covers that go over all the AFP fuel system stuff in the floor. I really got it all messed up with the fuel flow transducer, so today I spent some time putting it back together so that I can get it finished. I started making a fiberglass cover for the fuel line and fuel flow transducer. I decided that I could make it look better with fiberglass than I could with aluminum.

I made a real mess of the floor cover when I installed the FlowScan fuel flow transducer for my EIS 4000

I decided to make a mold out of a piece of PVC Bondoed to a piece of wood.

I used wax paper as a mold release. This works well as long as there are no compound curves.

Put some Peel Ply over the layups to make sure that it will be nice and smooth when cured. (Append: This thing wound up being too small so I am going to have to make another one but I don't have the right size pipe. It turned out really good otherwise)

February 24, 2004 - 1 hours
More sanding and filling on the front of the cowling. It's coming along slowly but it's getting there.

February 24, 2004 - 1 hours
Fiddled with the fuel flow transducer cover that I made and it turns out that it is too small. Back to the drawing board.

February 26, 2004 - 1.6 hours
More sanding, more filling on the cowling.

February 28, 2004 - 1.8 hours
More sanding / filling on the cowling. I also fiddled around with the baffles a little bit.

February 29, 2004 - 5 hours
I need to get the firewall arrangement sorted out so I started installing as much of that stuff as I can. I figure that the wiring will be the easiest to route around stuff so I want the controls and hoses to be installed before I get too carried away with wiring. I spent today installing the fuel servo and the throttle, prop and mixture controls. The throttle control I bought requires a smaller hole than what I had drilled so I had to make another mounting plate, then I ran the prop control to the governor since this was the one that really had me worried since it runs right past the oil cooler hoses and the spark plug wires on the left mag. The prop cable fits like a glove but when I put the throttle and mixture cables in I realized that they were probably too long. I'll play with them later to see if I can make them fit better but I may re-order them.

I temporarily mounted the engine controls to the panel so that I could get a feel for whether they were all going to work or not.

I was a little worried about how the governor control was going to make it's way past the oil cooler line and the mag. It looks like it was meant to go there.

Another shot of the governor control cable going past the oil cooler line.

Here is the throttle side of the AFP fuel servo. I just clamped the brackets together just to see how it would fit. I may get a new throttle cable.

The mixture side of the fuel servo looks the same except different. It doesn't fit well at all, that bracket has to be at an angle to line up the cable properly which makes me think that I messed up placing the hole in the firewall, but if I move the hole over then the engine mount will be in the way.

I decided that there needs to be a spring return on the AFP purge valve. If the control cable ever was to come loose it would be possible for this valve to shut the engine down. The spring pulls the valve to the R position which runs the fuel into the divider.

<<January, 2004  Top  March, 2004>>

This web site and the infomation contained within it are for entertainment purposes only. The opinions expressed on construction techniques are my opinions only and should not be confused with proper construction techniques. There is undoubtedly more than one way to build an airplane and some methods that I use may or may not work in any given circumstance. If there is any question please call the kit manufacturer. I love to help but I am not responsible for the misuse of any information contained on this web site.

 February 3, 2021