Project Log - July, 2002 

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 February 3, 2021

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  Horizontal Stabilizer
  Vertical Stabilizer
  Rudder II

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  Fuel Tanks

 Fuselage Kit
  Aft Section
  Foreward Section
  Top Fuselage


 Firewall Forward
  Fuel System

  Finishing Up!

 Project Notes
 Project Summary
 Other Stuff

July, 2002

July 1, 2002 - 1.6 hours
Fluted, clecoed and drilled the aft bulkheads to the skin. Clecoed the baggage compartment side skins in.

July 6, 2002 - 5 hours
Remade and drilled the F-684 gussets. Drilled the remaining parts of the forward fuselage compartment structure and finished up drilling some of the other odd and end holes that were still undone.

Here is one of the finished F-684 fuse gussets.

I can't remember the part number but this is the attach point of the middle stiffener of the forward fuselage to the firewall.

July 7, 2002 - 0.5 hours
Realized that the floor stiffeners that I have are wrong and will have to get some replacements from Van's. Not much else to do but I drilled the holes in the forward bulkheads for the rudder cables and went back and drilled the holes in the flap bushings since I had forgotten to do that before.

July 20, 2002 - 2 hours
Drilled the floor stiffeners to the blukheads and the bottom skin

The forward bottom skin clecoed to the fuse and floor stiffeners.

Floor stiffener attach to the firewall.

Floor stiffener attach to the center section.

July 21, 2002 - 9 hours
Disassembled the fuselage for deburring and dimpling. Countersunk the longerons, dimpled the aft section of the fuse where the longerons attach. Deburred and dimpled all the parts of the center fuse section and finished drilling the flap bushings while I had it all apart.

Flap actuator bushing.

July 22, 2002 - 2 hours
Deburring parts of the forward fuse.

July 23, 2002 - 2 hours
More deburring and countersinking of forward fuselage parts.

July 24, 2002 - 1.75 hours
More deburring and dimpling of forward fuselage parts. All I have left are the skins.

July 25, 2002 - 2.4 hours
Deburred the forward fuselage skins.

July 27, 2002 - 1.7 hours
Still dimpling

July 28, 2002 - 8.2 hours
Finished all the dimpling, primed all the forward fuse parts. Installed all the platenuts on the seat ribs and ran a tap through the outer seat ribs since they will be so close to the skins. Started putting the forward fuselage back together and riveting all the things that must be riveted before the side and bottom skins go on.

July 29, 2002 - 2 hours
Finished up the rivets and bolts of the forward fuse that have to be done before the skins go on, and started finishing up all the rivets that were left undone on the tail cone.

Forward fuselage structure before the floor skin and the side skins go on.

July 31, 2002 - 1 hours
Riveted one of the side plates to the side skin and peeled off a lot of plastic.

<<June, 2002  Top  August, 2002>>

This web site and the infomation contained within it are for entertainment purposes only. The opinions expressed on construction techniques are my opinions only and should not be confused with proper construction techniques. There is undoubtedly more than one way to build an airplane and some methods that I use may or may not work in any given circumstance. If there is any question please call the kit manufacturer. I love to help but I am not responsible for the misuse of any information contained on this web site.

 February 3, 2021